Our primary goal at Schill Architecture is to make our clients’ dream home a reality. Though the “perfect home” may come in a variety of styles and sizes, the request we get most often is to design a place the homeowners can relax – a tranquil respite from this hectic world. We prefer to take the idea of relaxation a step further and strive to create environments that allow the owner to feel as if they’re on vacation every day of their life!

Designing waterfront homes is all about balance. You need a home that is both grand, but comfortable, spacious for entertaining, but cozy for a night in with the family. We use architectural elements like picture windows and intimate outdoor living spaces to open both the interior and exterior of the home to the most important feature – the views of the water. All you need to do is sit down in one of lounge chairs on the patio, close your eyes, and you’ll feel like you’re on a permanent vacation too!